We have  driven ourselves into a corner of inevitable ruin.

Day in and day out is a

                                         monotonous dissonance,

      of wanton destruction,

      of apathy and negligence,

      of indifference towards tomorrow

And insistence to satiate the wants of now.


As we flaunt our dominance like a boot upon the neck of this earth,  

          aware but in denial that our lordship is a superfluous title that

we have accorded to our species out of vanity,


The ground that we are standing on swallows up and insists our return.

In a way that we can only define as a catastrophe.


The planet itself getting back at us for our indiscretions.


All our pettiness,

                               the squabbles,

                                      the superstitions,

 the disrespect to the very ground that we are walking on

                      to appease the conjectured gods we maintain in our abstract structures,


                                   Everything that we have arrived at will rot and fade



Except perhaps the piles of trash that is the testament to both our

                                                          achievements and downfall.









A Structure's Unmaking

30 x 24, 24 x 23, 16 x 24 inches Acrylic on Canvas 2021
